Ghost summon Dragon Onimaru object: 6500-8000 physical attacks, magic attacks 5500-6500, 5500-6000 physical defense, magic defense 6000-6300, 50 injured body disposal absorb% HP349458/350000, MP98965/100000, ST750. Meanwhile, almost every month the Black Dragon, Spike survived Onimaru, I fly a bottom-up, she is not only a ghost of a long look at the speed pills hit the nail this time, the magic of her own past flight We have been here than we see from their current state of emergency in the direction of flight come in, I control my own inertia can not, I like the assassin is now Zhentui am afraid of school Many are going to have to go every month for high-flying, I fly in an instant
ナイトオンライン rmt | レッドストーン rmt | ラテール rmt |
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